


These sides were provided with front PAGE 4,0 and are optimized for a dissolution of 1024 x of 768 pixels. With the format 800 x of 600 pixels there are no problems. They were conceived for ms InterNet Explorer 4,0 + as well as Netscape 4,0 +. With other Browsers we can not guarantee it. In addition we also used Java Script. An essential assistance was the book of Laura Lemay "HTML4"  published by "Markt und Technik".  From this we got the basic knowledge over HTML. Further information we received also from the Spotlight.de - HTML forum. All pictures were scanned with SNAPSCAN TOUCH  from Agfa.

A good example for us to built our homepage was www.ingrids-welt.de. These pages were exactly how we like it. Without Frames and the usual tittle-tattle.
Of course we asked before.




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