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Agra 1994

Agra, the city of the fantastic "Taj Mahal" was the next destination of our round trip and at the same time the true reason of our India journey. Taj Mahal, already the name is myth. It is one of the seven Wonders of the Word, the dream made out of marble and jewels was completed after a construction period of more as 20 years and is the sign of the big love between the Mogul Shah Jahan and his wife Mumtaz.

Taj Mahal  Taj Mahal

Not less impressing is the fort of Agra, which was built in the typical red sandstone. At first it was a station of military but under the rule of the Mogul Shah Jahan it partly changed into a palace.

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Fort Agra  Fort Agra

The environ of Agra is very rural. “Ox trucks” loaded with dried cowpat, which is used as burning material, you can see everywhere.

Ochsenkarren mit Kuhdung  Kind mit Brennmaterial

A further high point in the near of Agra was the castle "Fathepur Sikri" built in the Mogul style, and also named “the lost city”. It is situated in the middle of a most fruitful landscape

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verlassene Stadt  verlassene Stadt

Beside the castle there is the Jama Masjid mosque with a tomb in filigree marble.

Eingang zur Jama Masjid Moschee  Grabmahl in der Jama Masjid Moschee

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