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Aurangabad  1994  affe

Aurangabad surrounded mountains, is the starting point for the visit of the fascinating and unbelievable caves of Ellora and Ajanta. In 2-hour by bus we reached the caves of Ellora. They were excavated 1500 years ago from solid rocks. Each temple took years to complete. There are 34 caves, 19 are Buddhism, and the rest are Hindu- and Jaincaves.

Höhlen von Elora   Höhlen von Elora

To call it "caves" is often misleading, because they are singular buildings, excavated out of the dark volcanic rock. They belong to the greatest monolith structures of the world. The entrance is protected by a lot of troublesome, impudent monkey families.

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Eingang zu den Höhlen von Elora   Höhlen von Elora

During our excursion, we saw caravans of farm worker families who left their villages to work on the sugarcane fields. The “ox trucks” were loaded with all their household effects. It was a biblical, fascinating sight for us.  

Wanderarbeiter   Dorf von Wanderarbeitern

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Also the individual small villages at the roadside have special scenery and you think the time has still standing since more than hundred years. In front of their huts, they dry cowpats.

Dorf   Dorf, Brennmaterial zum Trocknen ausgelegt


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