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Weekendmarkt, Or Tor Kor Market und Lumphini Park

Long time we wanted to visit the Weekend Market once again, but unfortunately our previous stays in Bangkok were never at the weekend so we were in 1996 the last time there. But this time we had luck and we drove easily with the Skytrain to Mo Chit station. We felt, that thousands of people left the train here, too, to visit the market. It was very crowded and became much more in the market. The Chatuchak Weekend Market is the largest market in Asia and there are 10.000 shops, stalls and booths. The meeting point of the market is the clock tower at the center, it is a very good orientation guide in the middle of the crowd.

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market  Weekend Market Bangkok  Weekend Market Bangkok

The unique and large market really offers everything from handicrafts, clothes, trinkets and junk, jewelry, shoes nearly everything you can imagine, but the offer of clothes is significantly predominates. Of course, at every corner there is something for the small appetite, mobile food stalls and small restaurants are always well attended. With the market map the orientation is very easy, but we liked it much more to stroll around without it and enjoy the bustling atmosphere. It was a very great experience again.

  Weekend Market Bangkok  Weekend Market Bangkok  Weekend Market Bangkok  
 Weekend market  Weekend Market Bangkok  Weekend Market Bangkok

If you need a break after some time you can relax in the adjacent park which has the same name as the market. The park is also used as Pic-nic area of young and old people, and the quiet after the hustle and bustle on the market is really wonderful.

 Weekend market  Weekend Market Bangkok  Weekend Market Bangkok

After a short break we went to the nearby Or Tor Kor Market, the supposed fourth largest fruit and vegetable market in the world. It is indescribable what kinds of food is offered there. Much we already knew, but there is always something new to discover.

 Or Tor Kor Market  Or Tor Kor Market Or Tor Kor Market

Always fascinating is a look into the pots of the food stalls. Everything looks delightfully and appetizing and we can stay here for hours. But unfortunately we had often not the courage to try the food and so we usually are happy with the "photo-food".

Or Tor Kor Market  Or Tor Kor Market  Or Tor Kor Market
 Weekend Market Bangkok  Or Tor Kor Market  Or Tor Kor Market
Or Tor Kor Market

Both markets, the Chatuchak Weekend Market and the Or Tor Kor Market, belongs to the absolute highlights in Bangkok and we were very glad and happy to have been there once again. Hopefully it will not take 17 years again till we come here.

Tuk Tuk            Tuk Tuk

If you like it quiet, but also like to watch the normal Thai family life, you can visit the Lumphini Park, the largest and most famous park in the inner city area. Mainly on Sundays it is a popular destination. Due to its location at the end of the Silom Road it can be reached easily with the sky train or subway The main entrance is not difficult to find, because in front of it is the big statue of King Rama VI.

Lupinipark  Lupinipark  Lupinipark
Lupinipark  Lupinipark  Lupinipark
Lupinipark  Lupinipark  Lupinipark
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  galerie photos from Weekend market and
 Lumphinipark 1996
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