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    Wat Po   


Wat Po, the oldest monastery district of the city is beside the Grand Palaces a further highlight in Bangkok. The silence and devotion of this place fascinated us very much. Despite of the many praying people and tourists it is a marvellous place of peace. Here are also the centres of the eastern medicine, Yoga and the art of the classical Thai Massage are taught here. 

monks  Wat Po

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Walls and 16 gates, guarded of Demons enclose the inside district. On that 8 hectare large area there stand nearly 1000 bronze Buddha-Statues from the past epoch of Thailand as well as 4 Chedis decorated with beautiful coloured ceramic tiles. 

Wat Po  Wat Po

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Wat Po   Wat Po

But the attraction here is the resting 46 m long and 15 m high, gilded Buddha. At the soles 108 plates in inserting work of Perlmutt represent the rules of the Buddhism.

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gilded Buddha  gilded Buddha  

The deep devoutness of humans you can watch daily in front of the most diverse monasteries. Early in the morning the monks get their meal from the faithful in a deep reverence and respect. It is a special ritual with a nearly meditative character and for tourists an extraordinary experience.

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